Why I don't like Oprah-- with supporting evidence
I don't usually pay attention to Oprah. In fact, I'm probably part of a minority who can't stand the woman. Her latest book club recommendation fiasco with James Frey's A Million Little Pieces, in which the author altered details of his life to fill the pages of the best-selling memoir, showed a side of Oprah that I've always suspected existed but could never prove because of her diva status. The woman knows exactly what everyone wants to hear, and she caters to that, even when she originally says the wrong thing.
That's why when Frey's fabrications came to light and critics attacked the author, Oprah came to his rescue with a phonecall on Larry King Live, only to turn on him a few days later by bringing him onto her show and attacking him as if he had written the book solely to "dupe" and embarrass her personally. She knew it was what people wanted to hear: that it's not OK to lie in a memoir, no matter what point you're trying to make... a different tune than her defense of the author and his book a few days before:
"But the underlying message of redemption in James Frey's memoir still resonates with me, and I know it resonates with millions of other people who have read this book."
I find Oprah to be a phoney in general, but the latest issue with James Frey is one thing I can use to prove that my view of this diva who can do no wrong is justifiable: that she is simply rich enough to dupe us into thinking she is an angel. Well, I'm not buying it.
Ugh! I am so glad I am not the lone seer of truth in this we-love-Oprah, Oprah-represents-all-that-is-beautiful world.
I have had supporting evidence for some time now though. Watch her shows! She thinks she is the greatest benefactress and savior of the world. AND she thinks she has the deepest of insights into human nature. Watch her talk over her expert guests and spew her brilliant, arm-chair psychology profundities.
She revels in her audience's adoration of her; with great bigs smiles, and arms open wide, she basks in her own glory.
Ugh. Why don't others see through her?
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